Precise surgery that saves damaged teeth and restores oral health

Endodontic surgery, also known as apical surgery or root-end resection, is a procedure performed when non-surgical root canal treatments are insufficient in treating a tooth. This surgery involves accessing the tip of the tooth’s root, removing any infected tissue, and sealing the end of the root to prevent further issues. It’s a viable option to save teeth that may otherwise be at risk of extraction.

Elite Endodontics specializes in endodontic surgery, employing a delicate touch to address complex dental cases. Whether you have a persistent issue with a previously treated tooth or another dental concern requiring surgical intervention, we’re here to provide expert care. Our goal is to save your natural teeth, promoting both your oral health and your confident smile.

Reach Out to Us

Keep your smile healthy with our expert endodontic care. Reach out to us today!

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